Monday, April 14, 2014


Supplies: precut squares of material, multimedia paper, glue (we brushed a mix of glue and water onto the back of the material as it spreads more easily), oil pastels, watercolor, brushes, water in cups, and paper towels.  

To make this brilliant and exciting pattern study, start by dividing the paper into three sections with an oil pastel. (We drew a giant capital "Y".)  Next, glue one piece of material into each of the three sections.

Look carefully at each piece of material and decide what the background color is. (The background color will be painted on last with watercolor.) Using oil pastels, continue the pattern of the material onto the paper as best as you can. Paint over the oil pastels with watercolor. If the background of the material design is white, then no watercolor paint is required. You may use the white of the paper to accomplish that.
Please contact me if you have any questions about this project.